Reasons Why IPL Hair Removal Is Better Than Traditional Waxing or Shaving

ipl hair removal

Are you sick of having to remove unwanted hair by constantly shaving, waxing, and using depilatory creams? Are you looking for a solution that is not only fast but also safe and more permanent? In this post, we want to tell you about IPL hair removal, a technique that effectively inhibits and reduces hair development over time.

IPL, which stands for “intense pulsed light,” employs a wide range of light filters to zero in on the dark pigments of the undesirable hair on your body and kill it from the root up. You will have a better grasp of how IPL hair removal works if you consider how wearing dark clothes on a hot, sunny day causes it to absorb heat while wearing bright clothing causes it to reflect the heat.

The dark pigment in the hair absorbs the light, which then transforms into heat and causes harm to the developing cells that are responsible for the formation of the hair. After this, the hair will start to fall out. IPL hair removal therapy that is maintained over time will eventually prevent hair from developing at all. Now that you have a better understanding of how IPL hair removal may be used to remove hair let’s have a look at some of the most important advantages it offers.

It Doesn’t Hurt

You find that alternative techniques of hair removal, such as waxing and epilating, are too painful to use. You’ll be relieved to know that the elimination of unwanted hair with IPL hair removal causes very little discomfort. In the immediate aftermath of treatment, the treated region could feel a little sensitive and appear a bit pink, but these sensations are quite normal, and there is no need to be concerned about them. Within a week or two, the treated hairs will begin to fall out, but you won’t even notice it happening!

IPL hair removal has been scientifically proven to give safe and effective long-term hair removal results on the face and body, making it an option that is both effective and completely risk-free.

Easily Accessible and Practical

The region of your body that has to be treated with IPL hair removal will determine how long it takes for the session to be finished. However, the majority of visits take around half an hour. It is fast and convenient, and it will save you time in the long run when compared to other methods of hair removal that you may do at home.

Slows the Development of New Hair

The hair may be removed with intense pulsed light all the way down to the root. This indicates that there is a much-reduced possibility of regrowth. In comparison to razors and lotions, it provides a method of hair removal that is far longer lasting.

You should see a lasting reduction in the amount of hair growth if you keep up with your IPL hair removal treatments over time.

Compatible With the Majority of Different Skin Types

The IPL hair removal technology employed in clinics has been shown to be effective on nearly every skin type, with the exception of skin with dark tones. There must be a striking difference between the melanin in the skin and the hair follicles that are going to be treated in order for this to be successful. In those who have darker skin tones, there is an increased risk that the light will be absorbed not just by the hair follicle but also by the melanin found in the skin.

The Bottom Line

Depending on the density of your hair, the processes of waxing and shaving can be a major pain and take a long time. The smoothness of your skin and the absence of hair growth after waxing will only last a few days. In terms of permanent hair removal, neither of these methods is a good choice. IPL hair removal is able to offer you a genuine permanent hair reduction solution because of advancements in long-term, permanent hair reduction technologies.